We want to get rid of this package. It contains no code that cannot be moved to another package or is still required for the desktop environment.
scripts/{startxfce4,xinitrc.in,xflock4}.in → xfce4-session
scripts/{xfbrowser4,xfterm,xfmountdev}.in → remove
scripts/xfhelp4.desktop.in → xfce4-docs
xfce.desktop.in → xfce4-session (see also usability topic in main roadmap page for 2nd desktop file)
scripts/xfconf* → remove
scripts/Xft.xrdb → not sure if it is still usable, but can be moved to xfce4-settings or xfce4-session.
xfce4-about/ → move to libxfce4ui (library already depends on Gtk+ and required by any Xfce component, so we always get credits

xfrun/ → new appfinder will have this functionality.
Also remove xfce-utils from xfce4-about dialog.
Completed: 100%
Assignee: Nick
Difficulty: Easy