Graphical installers for Xfce 4.6
Xfce installer
The following packages are going to be part of the main Xfce installer:
- libexo
- libxfce4menu
- libxfce4util
- libxfcegui4
- (Thunar?)
- xfce4-appfinder
- xfce4-mixer
- xfce4-panel
- xfce4-session
- xfce4-settings
- xfce-utils
- xfconf
- xfdesktop
- xfprint
- xfwm4
- xfwm4-themes
Thunar installer
The following packages are going to be part of the Thunar installer (if there will be one):
- libexo
- Thunar
The installer will also include some Thunar extensions.
Goodies installer
Information about the goodies installer can be found on the goodies website.
App installer
As suggested in the Projects in xfce repos, ehm... thread on the mailing list, there should be an app installer aside from a goodies installer. It should contain the bigger projects that belong to Xfce, but are not part of the core.
Candidates are (please feel free to add to this list):
- xfburn
- ristretto
- mousepad (if not shipped with core)